Stacie W. Day

Manager of Database Services and Senior Cost Consultant

Stacie W. Day


Ms. Day is Manager of Database Services/Senior Cost Consultant and has 24 years of experience with Long International. She provides cost and man hour analyses and document database development services as part of Long International’s claims analysis and dispute resolution services to the construction industry.

Ms. Day is skilled in the development, coding, quality control, and maintenance of comprehensive document databases to support detailed schedule analyses, damages analyses, contract analyses, claims preparation, claims defense, and negotiated settlements. She has prepared detailed analyses of contemporaneous correspondence and project documentation to identify and evaluate major engineering and construction problems in support of expert witness reports regarding analyses of schedule delay, time extension requests, acceleration, disputed change orders, and quantification of damages.

Ms. Day also provides specialized cost determination, and financial analysis capabilities on engineering and construction projects on which disputes arise due to cost overruns, claims for additional payment, change order disputes, progress payment claims, the propriety of costs incurred and charged, delays and time-related charges for additional corporate/home office/job-site overhead, and profit determination. In addition, Ms. Day performs analyses as to the agreement between engineering and job-site records and a company’s financial books and records; prepares document databases in support of attorney briefs and expert reports; and analyzes project man-hour, quantity, and cost reports for periodic data in the support of the quantification of impacts, change orders, productivity loss, and claim quantification.


B.S., Nutrition and Food Science, Colorado State University, 2000


Experience Matters

Our experts are ready to help.

Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.