
On behalf of an insurance carrier, prepared an expert report for a case before the Superior Court of Ontario pertaining to the cost of construction to complete a residence in Metcalfe, Ontario, Canada. Reviewed, analyzed, and commented on the plaintiff’s expert report. Developed an estimated construction cost analysis for the scope of work presented by plaintiff’s expert. Opined on whether individual scopes of work provided by the plaintiff were a part of the completion of the house or an enhancement of the house.

Building Construction

Ontario, Canada

On behalf of an insurance carrier, prepared an expert report for a case before the Superior Court of Ontario pertaining to the cost of construction to complete a residence in Metcalfe, Ontario, Canada. Reviewed, analyzed, and commented on the plaintiff’s expert report. Developed an estimated construction cost analysis for the scope of work presented by plaintiff’s expert. Opined on whether individual scopes of work provided by the plaintiff were a part of the completion of the house or an enhancement of the house.

Building Construction

British Columbia, Canada

On behalf of the owner, performed an independent review of the contractor’s delay claim related to curtain wall design, procurement, and construction for a high-end residential tower project. Prepared an expert report presenting findings and conclusions regarding the delay issues for the civil claim before the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

Refineries, Petrochemical, and Chemical

Alberta, Canada

On behalf of an EPC contractor, analyzed change order, delay, and loss of productivity claims on a linear alpha olefin project.


New Brunswick, Canada

Assisted a general contractor in a $2 million dispute with the owner of a 200 MW power plant in New Brunswick. Issues involved increased labor costs associated with late delivery of owner-supplied equipment, late design information, and defective design information. The case was settled during negotiation on terms favorable to the client.

Oil Sands

Alberta, Canada

Analyzed a major fire at an upgrader in Alberta that processed synthetic crude oil from an oil sands facility. The client, a major construction company and its insurer, was defending against liability for property damage and business interruption damages totaling $1 billion.

Refineries, Petrochemical, and Chemical

Alberta, Canada

Analyzed damages for an owner defending numerous change order claims on an international oil refinery upgrade project. Provided critical assessments of the contractor’s pricing of its change order estimates.


Experience Matters

Our experts are ready to help.

Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.