
On behalf of an owner, evaluated a contractor’s expert report and €18 million delay and disruption claim concerning the replacement of emergency diesel generators on a nuclear power plant in Finland. Assessed the expert’s time extension analysis, which was found to lack an assessment of the critical path of the work. The claim was ultimately rejected.



On behalf of an owner, evaluated a contractor’s expert report and €18 million delay and disruption claim concerning the replacement of emergency diesel generators on a nuclear power plant in Finland. Assessed the expert’s time extension analysis, which was found to lack an assessment of the critical path of the work. The claim was ultimately rejected.



On behalf of an owner, prepared and evaluated claims concerning the design and construction of one of Europe’s largest nuclear reactor and turbine generator facilities, involving multiple tranches of claims submitted over the course of several years. Conducted schedule delay and quantum analyses on approximately €3.6 billion in contractor claims and approximately €2 billion of owner counterclaims. Reviewed the merits of outstanding change orders that were part of the contractors’ claims. Assessed claims associated with loss of productivity, time-related costs, subcontractor pass-through costs, delayed and disputed payments, overhead, profit, and interest. Provided expert testimony concerning delays and quantum during arbitration proceedings held at the International Chamber of Commerce.



Assisted a contractor in resolving a dispute related to design changes and late and deficient owner-supplied materials. Prepared and reviewed notice letters and provided input for negotiations for a combined heat and power (CHP) project aimed to replace two old boilers and two steam turbines from an existing power plant. Proposed installed capacities for the project were 450MW of thermal heat and approximately 30MW of electricity. The thermal heat was supplied to an oil refinery and a petrochemical plant within the same site while electricity was supplied to the grid. The project also produced demineralized water.

Offshore Oil and Gas

Finland, Gulf of Mexico

Performed an analysis in support of an owner’s claim against an international EPC contractor’s performance, delays, and $100 million cost overrun regarding a Spar production facility that was fabricated in Finland for installation in the Gulf of Mexico. Issues involved material delays, welding rework, quadrupling of labor man-hours, wet mating of hard and soft tank/truss, delay, liquidated damages, conversion of contract issues, and related damages.


Experience Matters

Our experts are ready to help.

Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.