
On behalf of an EPC contractor, analyzed an owner’s $19 million claim firm relative to home office and field cost budget overruns under a reimbursable contract for a $200 million refinery project.

Refineries, Petrochemical, and Chemical


On behalf of an EPC contractor, analyzed an owner’s $19 million claim firm relative to home office and field cost budget overruns under a reimbursable contract for a $200 million refinery project.

Gas, Gasification, GTL, LNG, and NGL


Retained by the owner of a natural gas liquids extraction and fractionation plant involved in arbitration with an electrical and instrumentation contractor. Analysis and opinions provided included contract review, determination of breach of contract, delay analysis, and calculation of cost reimbursements owed to the contractor and damages incurred by the owner.

Industrial and Manufacturing


Prepared damages analyses on a dispute on a steel mill expansion project. Responsible for a unit price variance analysis and estimating costs for civil, concrete, mechanical, and electric work.

Building Construction


Furnished CPM scheduling services for an electrical subcontractor on the $66 million McCormick Place Convention Center expansion project in Chicago. Worked with the subcontractor’s field staff to develop and monitor a resource-loaded completion schedule that tracked the remaining electrical activities. Updated schedules with job cost and certified payroll information. Correctly calculated the critical path on the electrical work and analyzed impacts from other contractors. Performed productivity studies and provided resource and cost projections used for cash flow and cost-to-complete purposes. Assisted the onsite project management team in the successful closeout of the project.


Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Illinois, Virginia, New York

Prepared an owner/operator’s claim against a major railroad for causing delays and cost overruns during the construction of fiber optic communications systems along the railroad’s right-of-ways. Developed schedule delay analysis of each of the right-of-ways along which the fiber optic cable was installed in trenches. Identified detailed daily documentation that identified railroad interference or lack of support for the installation of the work.

Building Construction


Assessed delays concerning the construction of a multi-story residential building in Chicago, Illinois, on behalf of a prime contractor, who was seeking delay and other damages against one of its subcontractors. Provided delay analyses and opinions regarding issues that the contractor identified that caused impacts to the project’s final completion milestones and that the subcontractor allegedly caused. The assessment identified which delays were attributable to the subcontractor’s actions or inactions and quantified the number of days for which the prime contractor was entitled to related damages. Based on the damage categories that the prime contractor identified that it suffered as a result of the delays its subcontractor caused, performed analyses and quantified the overall damage amounts, including direct and indirect costs.


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Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.