Gas, Gasification, GTL, LNG, and NGL
On behalf of an owner, performed analyses and prepared expert reports regarding schedule delays and increased costs associated with an EPC contractor’s $138 million claim on a gas plant expansion project. The work involved correction of the contractor’s baseline schedule and schedule updates, assessment of impacts allegedly due to change orders, welding defects, late delivery of drawings by the owner, and contractor performance problems. Prepared time impact and As-Built But-For Schedule Analyses to address time extension entitlement, compensable delay, and loss of productivity. Developed a chronological database and assisted the law firm with witness statements and document disclosure requests. Completed a comparative assessment between the project’s radiography records for the rejected pipe joint welds, and the results that were developed from the owner’s radiography expert’s interpretation of the films. Evaluated the opposing experts’ schedule delay and damages analyses and assessment of responsibilities for project management performance problems. Performed extensive schedule quality assurance review studies of the contractor’s contemporaneous EPC project schedules to ensure that these schedules could be used for delay analysis. Identified and documented numerous problems with open-end activities, overuse of constraints, missing original scope, incorrect as-built dates, missing as-built dates, and missing logic links. The dispute was resolved prior to arbitration.