Offshore Oil and Gas


Performed a schedule quality assurance review. Reviewed and critiqued a consortium partner’s detailed fabrication schedules. Ascertained the suitability of the schedule to be used as a tool to analyze concurrent delays by maintaining CPM schedule logic to properly understand the client’s, and the consortium partner’s liability for delay, disruption, and impact damages, and any relationship between proceeding activities being the responsibility of other parties. Provided guidance on “best practice” recommendations for on-site schedule control, progress reporting, schedule development, and labor productivity. Recommended suitable effective documentation and record keeping to aid in the support or defense of possible future claims and integration of schedule activities with available cost details to accurately establish the cause and effect relationship among problems, issues, events, schedule impacts, productivity losses, and cost overruns and/or the need for acceleration/mitigation recovery countermeasures.


Experience Matters

Our experts are ready to help.

Our extensive international experience includes large, complex, grass roots, revamp, and reconstruction projects incorporating conventional-phased, fast-track, and EPC turnkey concepts.